Ways to create a Zen Bathroom

Gone are the days when the bathroom was merely a functional area and relegated as an outhouse structure. The advent of the stressful modern era has increasingly added more importance to the bathrooms..

Gone are the days when the bathroom was merely a functional area and relegated as an outhouse structure. The advent of the stressful modern era has increasingly added more importance to the bathrooms, making them a haven for relaxation and tranquility. This is also the reason why modern spa-style bathrooms that apply the principles of Zen are becoming increasingly popular.

In the Japanese culture, Zen refers to meditation with simplicity, minimalism and purity of lines. Although Zen isn’t a structured design style with a set of strict rules, it does inculcate harmony, balance and relaxation wherever it’s applied. If you want to add more Zen into your bathroom, here are some tips to guide you:

Avoiding  regular designs and creating  open spaces as space is the very essence of Zen. Personalize your bathroom with unique and simple patterns that can’t be reproduced; you could make swirls, add texture or create a calligraphic design on your bathroom walls – anything that’s easy on the eyes.

  • To add more Zen appeal to  your bathroom, go with neutral colors to honor nature. It could be blue representing the sky, green representing vegetation or shades of brown representing earth. Zen bathrooms offer a calming note with overtones of relaxation and serenity.
  • With Zen being quintessentially Japanese, you could introduce Japanese motifs and artifacts. A Shoji screen would add the right notes too. Go for a Japanese sunken square and deep bathtub instead of the regular bathtub to enable complete immersion.
  • The ideology behind Zen is to quieten the mind and enable an in-depth appreciation of the surrounding nature. This could be in the form of a bonsai or indoor bamboo plants, reinforcing the Japanese theme. An Ikebana arrangement of dry shrubs and reeds or seasonal flowers also introduces natural features into your Zen bathroom.
  • The best way to introduce Zen however is by having large  windows through which the garden or natural features like fountains, forests or hills can be viewed. This brings Mother Nature right into your bathroom!
  • A Zen bathroom doesn’t always have to include Japanese themes. All it needs is simplicity of colors, simple lines and simple décor. Anything that can calm your mind.

And if you are looking to create a Zen bathroom of your own, then you should check out the exclusive bathroom finishes at the ‘Under the Sun’ villas in Northern Bangalore. Find out more about these villas at: https://www.underthesun.co.in/#