The Foyer Experience – How to make it Count

It is the foyer that provides the first impression of your home to guests. And since first impressions always count, it is important that you make it a good and memorable one! Apart from this, your foyer should also appear warm and welcoming to yourself as you trudge in after a long day’s work. The foyer should ideally reflect your unique personality and represent the decor style of the rest of the house.

Most apartment and villa homes often come with a foyer area that serves a key purpose in the home. And for those homes that open directly into the living spaces without a foyer; you can still decorate it in a way to create an illusion of a foyer. Here are some pointers to make your foyer more attractive, while retaining its functionality.

A Landing Space for Small Things

A foyer should ideally have a flat surface to keep a pretty tray to toss your keys, loose change or other knick-knacks.

A Touch of Nature

There is nothing like wholesome greenery or fresh flowers to add instant welcoming charm to the foyer space. Invest in a pretty vase or ceramic pot to display your potted plants or flowers here.

A Flat Surface

A table, chest or console is an ideal piece of furniture for the foyer area. They are suitable for keeping a decorative bowl or tray for knick-knacks as well. Even better if there is space for stowing away other small things neatly inside drawers.


A large, ornately framed mirror adds class to your foyer while providing a source for checking your appearance before stepping out. Additionally, mirrors reflect light and make the foyer area appear larger and brighter.

Light Source

While an overhead ornate light source will add elegance to your foyer, do remember to install wall sconces too, as they are more practical for daily use.

The Foyer Experience - How to make it Count - Under The Sun

Storage Spaces

Outdoor shoes should be stowed away neatly and not left lying around in the foyer. You could create neat shelves to stow them away. Alternatively, you could invest in a bench with storage space beneath it; this way, there will be a comfortable surface to sit on while removing or wearing shoes.


A rug or carpet runner help in defining the foyer – even when there is no such area. Since it’s a high-traffic area, go with durable material and a pattern that doesn’t show up stains easily or one that is skid-resistant as well!

The skillfully-designed and spacious ‘Under the Sun’ villas in Devanahalli, Bangalore, are nestled within a charming fruiting orchard and offer you wonderful opportunities to decorate these homes. Find out more about them here: