5 Ways We are Wasting Water
A recent study by the National Commission for Irrigated Water Resource Development of India, the water shortage problem we face arises not due to lack of it, but due to wastage and poor management. There are so many ways we wastewater daily, without realizing it. Here is a list we hope will help you curb those habits and preserve water for the generations to come.
Keeping the taps on
Do you keep the tap on while brushing your teeth or washing vegetables? According to a recent study, a sleepy brushing session uses up 15 litres of water and washing the vegetables takes even more. While it is important to clean things up, use a bit of moderation so that you do not end up wasting a precious natural resource.
Flushing it out!
Yes, it is essential to flush the toilet, but almost every single time, you do it, it is almost 18 liters of water that you waste? And it will be more if you have not plugged the leaks on your old flush.
While it is important to have a home garden, do not make it a place where you wastewater. Go in for plants that grow according to the climatic conditions in your area. And the ideal time for watering the plants is early morning or in the evening.
When you are using the dishwasher or the washing machine, ensure you load it up – using them for a few dishes or clothes consume the same amount of water and it amounts to water wastage.
Don’t let it drip
Fix every faulty taps and faucet on time, it helps save water and keeps your home pretty!
Call our service department if you find some faulty taps when you stay at Under the Sun.